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프로툴 익스프레스 11이나 12로  업그레이드 하는 방법


How do I activate, register, and download my digital products?


To activate, register, and download your new software just follow these simple steps:


1.   Click the blue “Download Products” button on your order confirmation page.

다운로드 버튼누름(파란색)


This button also appears in the confirmation email that is sent to you. Depending on the set up of your browser,

파란 버튼은 당신이 인터넷브라우저를 어떻게 설정했는가에 따라 당신에게 우리가 보낸 확인 이메일에 나타날수도 있다.


2.   you may be asked to log in, so please enter the same login/password used during checkout. If you purchased multiple digital products in your order, you will then see a page with all your digital products here.

아비드 홈페이지로 이동하게 될텐데로그인해라..계정없으면 하나 만들


3.   Click on the grey “Download Now” buttons for each product in order to obtain your download files.

“Download Now”라고 써진 회색 버튼 눌러라


4.    Follow the instructions on the site which will guide you through a 2-step registration and activation process. Once you have completed these steps you will receive your product and all associated downloads.

 If you need to retrieve your product or downloads in the future, simply log in to your account at account.avid.com .


대충 2단계쯤 네네 거리면..다운된다. 일단 다운되고 나면..다음에 다운은 아비드 홈피에서 쉽게 받을수 있다.



Posted by 강아지왈츠



프로툴 익스프레스는 엠오디오 오디오인터페이스가 연결되어야 사용가능하다.


To install and authorize your copy of Avid Pro Tools Express software, you will need the following items that were included with your M-Audio product:

  1. Avid Pro Tools Express Authorization Code
  2. iLok USB key
  3. Avid Pro Tools Express Installer DVD

Note: You must download the license to the included iLok USB key; other iLok USB keys cannot be used.

If you already have an iLok account, and would like to add the included iLok key to your existing account, please proceed to Step 2.


Since your computer will be used to access your iLok account AND to run protected software, go to www.ilok.com, download and install the iLok License Manager.

To learn more about the iLok License Manager, see the following FAQ.



Create a new iLok account in the iLok License Manager, and sign in. Or, sign in to your pre-existing account. A connected iLok will synchronize to your account.

To learn more about your iLok account, see the following FAQ.



Go to avid.com/account/orientation to create or sign in to your Avid account. When prompted, enter the code on the Avid Pro Tools Express authorization card.


On the following page, enter your iLok.com user ID that you have associated your new iLok with. This is the ID that you use to log-in to your iLok.com account. It is NOT on the iLok key or included in your product’s documentation. Then, fill out the required registration information fields.

Once activation is completed, your Avid account will prompt you to log in to your iLok account using the iLok License Manager. Your iLok account will now include an Avid Pro Tools Express Akai Professional / M-Audio Edition (2) license listed in the Available Licenses tab of your iLok account. You will also receive an email with information on how to contact support for installing or using your copy of Avid Pro Tools Express.

To learn more about managing iLok licenses, see the following FAQ.



In the iLok License Manager, select, drag, and drop Pro Tools Express Akai Professional/M-Audio Edition (2) to the iLok icon in the iLok License Manager. When prompted surrender your Primer license. Do not unplug your iLok during this process. The iLok License Manager will now prompt you to Confirm Activation which will transfer the Pro Tools Express Akai Professional/M-Audio Edition (2) to your iLok.


Insert your Avid Pro Tools Express installation DVD and launch the Pro Tools Express installation application. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation process.

If your computer does not have an optical drive, you can download the Avid Pro Tools Express installers here:

Avid Pro Tools Express Application Installer (Mac)

Avid Pro Tools Express Application Installer (Windows)


Your copy of Avid Pro Tools Express software also comes with three Virtual Instruments.

  • Boom (drum machine and sequencer)
  • Structure Free (sample player based on Structure)
  • Xpand!2 (multitimbral synth and sample workstation)

Note: Installers for these instruments are not present on your installation DVD. You can download the installers here:

Avid Virtual Instruments Express Installer (Mac)

Avid Virtual Instruments Express Installer (Windows)


After completing the installation process, make sure that your M-Audio device is connected to your computer, and that all included drivers are properly installed.

Make sure that your iLok USB key containing the Avid Pro Tools Express license is inserted into any available USB port on your computer.

You should be now able to launch and use Avid Pro Tools Express. The software will only operate as long as your product and the iLok USB key are connected to your computer. For more information on configuring and optimizing your computer for Avid Pro Tools Express, refer to this guide:


If you are having trouble installing or using Avid Pro Tools express, you must contact the company that made the product that included your copy of Pro Tools Express Akai Professional/M-Audio Edition for customer support. Refer to the email that was sent to you containing the information and instructions for contacting support.

Need Pro Tools Express technical support?

For instant assistance with the most popular questions, please see our FAQ below.

Pro Tools Express - Frequently Asked Questions

To get support, please contact the company that made the product that included your copy of Pro Tools Express Akai Professional/M-Audio Edition:


Akai Pro

Get started with Pro Tools Express:

Pro Tools Express works in pretty much the same way as its big brother, Pro Tools, and comes with many of the same tools and features. Jump-start your learning with these Pro Tools tutorials, tips, and additional resources from Avid* and the Avid community.

Helpful info

Tutorials and advice

More from Avid

Posted by 강아지왈츠


Avid Knowledge Base
How do I activate my Pro Tools Crossgrade from Pro Tools LE, M-Powered or Express?

Last Updated : September 26, 2013
Products Affected : Pro_Tools_LE, Pro_Tools_M_Powered, Pro_Tools_Express

How do I activate my Pro Tools Crossgrade from Pro Tools LE, M-Powered or Express?

If you have purchased a Pro Tools Crossgrade from Pro Tools LE, M-Powered or Express, you will need to complete an online activation in order to obtain the software license and installers. To activate the Pro Tools Crossgrade:

  • Create an iLok account at www.iLok.com. If you already have an iLok account, you can skip this step.

    Be sure to download and install the iLok License Manager software if you have not previously. This will enable your iLok to synchronize with your iLok account and be recognized by Pro Tools. The installers can be found here.

For more information on iLok.com and the iLok License Manager see links below

iLok License Manager FAQ

  • Next, log in to your Avid Account or create an account if you do not have one.

    If you have just purchased your Pro Tools Crossgrade from the Avid Store you may already be signed in to your account and can skip this step.

  • If you purchased the Pro Tools Crossgrade from an Avid Dealer and have an activation code, click “Activate & Download Your Product” and enter your code. The activation code is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

    If you purchased the Pro Tools Crossgrade from the Avid Store, click “Download Products” from your order receipt.


  • For Pro Tools LE Crossgrades – enter your iLok User ID then choose your Pro Tools hardware interface from the menu. Only eligible Pro Tools LE interfaces will be available. Next, enter your serial number for the hardware interface and click “Continue”. The serial number can typically be found on the rear panel of your device and will begin with a two to five letter prefix.

    For Pro Tools M-Powered or Express Crossgrades – enter your iLok User ID and click “Continue”. Next, select the M-Powered or Express license that you are upgrading, enter your contact information in the required fields for the software registration and click “Continue”.


  • When the activation is complete, your Pro Tools iLok license will be deposited to your iLok account and the Pro Tools installers will be stored in the “Your Products” section of your Avid account. You may begin downloading the Pro Tools installer for your Mac or Windows system.

    You will also need to download and install device drivers for your audio interface. Avid (Digidesign) and M-Audio device drivers can be located at www.avid.com/drivers.


  • After the download for the Pro Tools software completes, you can install the software and begin using Pro Tools. You will need to insert the iLok in to your computer’s USB port in order to authorize Pro Tools.

Posted by 강아지왈츠


M-Audio 와 Digidesign 에서 Pro Tools M-Powered 7 소프트웨어를 발표하였습니다.
잘아시다시피 Pro Tools M-Powered는 M-Audio 오디오카드 제품에서 돌아가는 프로툴 소프트웨어를 뜻합니다. 그런데 얼마전에 Digidesign 에서 Pro Tools 7 버젼을 출시하였습니다. 그래서 Pro Tools M-Powered 도 7버젼으로 업그레이드되어 선을 보이게 되었습니다.

Pro Tools M-Powered 7를 발표하면서 M-Powered를 지원하는 M-Audio의 하드웨어가 더 확장되었습니다. 따라서 아래의 5개 제품도 이제 Pro Tools M-Powered 소프트웨어를 사용할수 있게 되었습니다. 궁극적으로 M-Audio의 모든 제품에서 Pro Tools M-Powered 소프트웨어를 돌릴수 있도록 만들 심산인것 같습니다

Black Box
M-Audio Ozone
MobilePre USB
Fast Track USB

이번 Pro Tools M-Powered 7 버젼에서는 확장된 미디기능과 오디오 레코딩 기능, 에디팅 기능등을 지원하게 됨으로서 더욱 더 믹싱시에 막강한 파워를 발휘한다고 합니다

이에 Digidesign 사의 최고 매니져인 Dave Lebolt 씨는
"Pro Tools M-Powered 7은 프로툴 7의 최신 기능을 그대로 사용할수 있게 되었으며, 여러가지 신기능과 새로운 툴, 소프트악기들이 탑재되어 잇으며, 비파괴 편집, REX 와 ACID 포맷 파일 지원, RTAS plug-in 의 퍼포먼스 150% 향상등 수많은 기능의 업그레이드가 단행되어 최신 Pro Tools 환경을 그대로 느낄실수 있을 것입니다" 라고 밝히고 있습니다.

Pro Tools 7 software는 Windows XP 와 Mac OS X 를 모두지원하며, 현재 Pro Tools M-Powered 6.8을 쓰고 있는 유저들에게는 무료로 업그레이드가가능하다고 합니다.
일단 이 M-Powered 소프트웨어는 iLok 이라는 USB키를 가지고 있어서 정식 등록 사용자만 업그레이드해서 계속 사용할수가 있으며 Pro Tools M-Powered 7을 새로 구입하시는 유저들은 $299.95의 가격으로 구입을 하실수가 있습니다.


Posted by 강아지왈츠


Posted by 강아지왈츠

프로툴 구입시 고려할 점들

1.     준비물

A.     프로툴(시퀀서 프로그램daw)

B.      오디오인터페이스

                         i.         프로툴 9부터는 다른 회사 오디오 인터페이스도 사용가능

                        ii.         그전버전은 윈도우에서도 잘 안됨. 맥에서 사용할것

                       iii.         추천 오디오 인터페이스

1.      ur2 - 20만원.스테인버그사 제품. 보급형. 큐베이스 번들 제공

2.      스칼렛 18I8 - 480000. 준프로 제품 강추

C.      마스터키보드

                         i.         추천제품

1.      런치키 49 - 25만원


Posted by 강아지왈츠